Biden Executes Stunning New Migrant Scheme – This 1 Move Will Only Make the Border Worse
Biden Executes Stunning New Migrant Scheme – This 1 Move Will Only Make the Border Worse

Republicans have repeatedly accused the Biden administration of neglecting the Southern border. Many have pointed out that the White House, despite spending resources on the border, is making the situation worse.

Border Patrol agents are reportedly not allowed to remove migrants from the country. Instead, the DHS is tasking them with processing illegal crossers and releasing them into the country.

This appears to have only encouraged migrants to try to cross the border. And now, a new report reveals that Biden is closing legal ports of entry, to make processing illegal entrants faster.

From Breitbart:
The Biden administration’s solution to thousands of migrants illegally crossing the U.S.-Mexico border between ports of entry is to close legal border crossing points. The administration closed legal border crossing points in Texas and Arizona to divert manpower to process migrants making illegal entry into the U.S. more quickly…

The efforts by the Biden administration are having little to any impact on the continuing border crisis. Rather than finding ways to deter or stop migrant crossings, the administration continues to work on more efficient ways to process migrants and release them into the United States.

According to a new report from Border Patrol, legal ports such as those in Eagle Pass, TX, have been closed. Manpower is being diverted to locations heavily trafficked by illegal border crossers.

The Biden administration has ordered Border agents away from processing vehicles and other lawful entrants, to further process and release those who have come over illegally. Estimates claim that 370,000 migrants will be processed and released into America in the first two months of the new fiscal year.

Americans have expressed outrage over the ongoing crisis at the border. The mainstream media appears to be ignoring it entirely. And the Biden administration continues to deny there is a crisis, as it spends billions welcoming migrants and relocating some of them to other parts of the country.

Democrats who have spoken up about the situation have been met with silence or worse from the administration. But few liberals have called on the government to uphold immigration law and deport those who entered illegally.

This latest move will make legal entry into the country much harder. Not only will legal immigrants face setbacks in coming to America, but businesses that regularly do commerce over the border will experience significant delays.

Key Takeaways:

  • The Biden administration has closed legal ports of entry to address the border crisis.
  • Border agents are being taken from legal ports to quickly process and release illegal crossers.
  • Republicans have been heavily critical of Biden, who appears to be encouraging illegal immigration.

Source: Breitbart

December 3, 2023
Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.