We only need to endure Joe Biden’s sham of a presidency for a few more weeks. After all the harm that Biden has done to this country, January 20 truly can’t come soon enough.
Throughout his time in office, Biden has cemented himself as one of the worst presidents of all time. Indeed, he’s done damage to this country in a variety of ways.
One of the worst aspects of Biden’s presidency, however, has been his handling of the economy. During his tenure as president, the economy has gone to shambles, and inflation has skyrocketed.
Now, this has come back to bite Biden big time in the form of a new poll. The results of it are the stuff that nightmares are made of for Biden.
From Fox News:
Joe Biden ends his presidency with voters by a 30-point margin saying they have been hurt rather than helped by his economic policies.In addition, a new Fox News national survey finds that most voters not only have negative views of the economy (77% negative) and their personal financial situation (62% negative) — they also feel things are getting worse (64%). Three-quarters say inflation has caused them financial hardship over the last six months, including about one-third who call it a “serious” hardship, and those numbers have held steady for more than two years.
Views on the economy are in negative territory by 54 points (23% positive, 77% negative). That is worse than at the beginning of Biden’s term by 14 points, and that increase in pessimism comes a touch more from Democrats (16 points) than Republicans (13) and independents (11). While few Democrats say Biden’s economic policies have hurt them (17%), only one-third say they helped (33%), with half saying his policies didn’t make a difference either way (50%).
Moving forward, 39% of Americans think the economy will improve in the future. This is up from 22% one year ago, when it was unclear if Biden would serve another term. Meanwhile, 63% of Republicans think the economy will improve next year, while just 17% of Democrats think the same thing.
Trump derangement syndrome is real, folks!
Things Get Worse For Biden
Making matters even worse for Biden is the fact that only 1 in 4 Americans think that he will be remembered as a president who was above average. 1 in 3 Americans go so far as to say that Biden will be remembered as one of the worst presidents in American history.
Ouch, that has got to sting for Joe!
Biden will be moving out of the White House with a 41% job approval rating. This is just one point above the record low of his presidency. This is also lower than Trump’s 47% approval rating that he had when he left office.
“The election post-mortems have emphasized the role of the economy in shaping the outcome, and it’s obvious that bad economic vibes hurt the incumbent party,” says Republican pollster Daron Shaw.
“What we’re seeing is a predictable shift toward optimism among Republicans and independents,” Shaw added. “We’ll see if Trump can sustain and perhaps even expand on that momentum with policies that lower prices and decrease taxes.”
In the end, these low poll numbers for Biden aren’t very surprising for anyone who has followed his presidency closely. It simply can’t be denied that he’s one of the worst presidents of all time.
Key Takeaways:
- Biden is leaving office with low poll numbers.
- 77% of Americans think the economy is bad under Biden.
- Biden’s approval rating is just 41%.
Source: Fox News