Biden’s “Personal Stories” Exposed by Fact-Checkers – They Just Demolished 3 of Joe’s Favorites
By Mick Farthing|September 1, 2023
Biden’s “Personal Stories” Exposed by Fact-Checkers – They Just Demolished 3 of Joe’s Favorites

What’s Happening:

Long before Joe Biden was president or even vice president, he was known for one thing. Bending the truth. He lost a 1980 bid for president after it had come out that he plagiarized a speech. But since then, Biden has only continued to tell stories that seem disconnected from the truth.

Americans are becoming increasingly outraged by Biden’s fast-and-loose storytelling. But the liberal media refuses to call him out on it. They even go out of their way to defend Biden’s claims, violating their own journalistic ethics. But one reporter is finally holding Joe’s feet to the fire. And he’s blasting three of Biden’s biggest whoppers.

From Fox News:

Kessler analyzed Biden’s recent recounting of a past fire at his house almost destroying his Corvette, anecdotes about being him arrested for standing up during the civil rights era, and a story about the circumstances that led him to be accepting of same-sex relationships.

Kessler stated that each of these folksy stories from Biden are part of his “tradition of embellishing his personal tales in ways that cannot be verified or are directly refuted by contemporary accounts.”

The Washington Post’s Glenn Kessler took Biden to task over three stories he frequently tells to win credibility with Americans. Kessler pointed out that these stories are either unverifiable or refuted by the facts.

Most recently, Biden has claimed a house fire almost killed his wife and nearly destroyed his house. He even claimed that “a couple of firefighters” almost died. Kessler revealed that news reports from the time revealed it was much less devastating. In fact, the fire was only contained to one room.

Another bizarre story Biden touts out claims that he was complimented by an Amtrak conductor for traveling 2 million miles by train. More than he’s traveled on Air Force planes as vice president. The problem? The conductor he names retired in 1993 and died in 2014–two years before Biden claims they had the conversation.

The fact-checker also poked holes in Biden’s claims about his views on same-sex marriage and his involvement in civil rights. Kessler proved that Biden’s role in the civil rights movement was much smaller than Joe often claims.

Biden even once claimed to have been “arrested” during a trip to visit Nelson Mandela. When, in reality, Biden was only stopped at the airport. There’s a big difference between being arrested and just being stopped.

It seems Kessler is the only fact-checker from a major outlet willing to call out Biden’s frequent exaggerations or outright lies. Politicians are known for bending the truth. But Biden’s claims go above and beyond anything Americans should tolerate.

When will the rest of the media call him out on it?

Key Takeaways:

  • A fact-check exposed some of Biden’s frequent, unverified claims.
  • Kessler showed that Biden is not being truthful about his house fire, relationship with a conductor, and other stories.
  • Biden has a long reputation for distorting facts and even plagiarizing.

Source: Fox News

Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.