Biden Crashes and Burns on Live TV – And Everyone’s Talking About Joe’s’ Final Pitiful Move
By Mick Farthing|September 11, 2023
Biden Crashes and Burns on Live TV – And Everyone’s Talking About Joe’s’ Final Pitiful Move

What’s Happening:

Joe Biden spent the last several days on an Asian tour. The Democrat visited New Delhi, India for the G20 summit. He then visited the Vietnam capital of Hanoi. Tensions are rising in the Far East, as communist China poses a growing threat to Taiwan and perhaps other Asian nations.

As was expected, Biden held a press conference in Vietnam at the end of his trip. It is possible Biden expected the foreign reporters to be much like American reporters–who are often considered sympathetic to a liberal president. Unfortunately for Joe, these reporters expected answers from him. The 80-year-old man struggled to explain why he met with Chinese Premier Li Qiang. And, after fumbling before the world, he made this bizarre excuse to get out of there.

From Fox News:

President Joe Biden ended a Vietnam press conference on Sunday by frankly telling reporters he had to go to bed after wrapping up the 2023 Group of 20 summit…

“But I tell you what, I don’t know about you, but I’m going to go to bed,” Biden said to a group of reporters…

“Yeah, we talked…we talked about…we talked about it at the conference. Overall, we talked about stability,” Biden said while appearing tired. “We talked about making sure that the Third World, the Third World….the Southern Hemisphere had access to change. It had access.”

Ugh… Biden struggled to answer questions from reporters during a press conference in Vietnam. The press wanted answers about America’s ongoing relationship with communist China, which is becoming more hostile.

The aging Democrat stopped in the middle of his response to tell the world he was “going to go to bed.” Before he could slip away, he was pressed about his meeting with China’s Li Qiang. Biden’s response seemed to run off the rails, with reports that he appeared tired.

The press conference was marked by more odd comments by Biden. He called critics of climate alarmism “lying dog faced pony soldiers.” He also talked about ‘Indians’ and John Wayne, references Vietnamese reporters would not have understood.

And as he struggled to give his final answer, his microphone was cut off. As we’ve seen in the past, a staffer abruptly ended the conference as Biden fled the stage. Biden’s light daily schedule has become notorious among Americans. Biden rarely burns the midnight oil, going to bed reportedly at 7 PM.

Biden has spent over a year’s worth of his 3 years in office on vacation, another sign of his lack of stamina. Many have questioned who is really running the White House, given Biden’s frailty and declining energy.

However, much was at stake during Biden’s trip to Vietnam. He supposedly entered a “comprehensive strategic partnership” with the nation, most likely to secure allies against growing threats from China and Russia–a northern neighbor.

Biden’s overall lack of strength casts a shadow over everything his administration does, however. Can allies like Vietnam trust America’s reliability, when the president is too tired to answer questions?

Key Takeaways:

  • Joe Biden ended a press conference in Vietnam by announcing he was going to bed.
  • Biden struggled to answer questions about U.S.-China relations.
  • A staffer quickly ended the conference as Biden could not answer a question.

Source: Fox News

Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.