Biden Just Handed Trump the Perfect Campaign Ad by Tying Kamala to His Record
Biden Just Handed Trump the Perfect Campaign Ad by Tying Kamala to His Record

Joe Biden is the gift that keeps on giving—at least to Donald Trump. In what can only be described as a political blunder of epic proportions, Biden recently made comments that conservatives are already joking could have been scripted by Trump’s campaign team.

After a series of crises, from the economy to the border, to foreign policy debacles, Kamala Harris has done her best to distance herself from the train wreck that is the Biden administration. But, in typical Biden fashion, he just blew up her whole strategy in a single interview.

In a rare moment where Biden actually faced the press, the president was asked about Kamala Harris’ role amid the numerous disasters at home and abroad. Instead of deflecting, he tied Harris to every bad decision, every failure, and every policy that’s brought this country to its knees over the past few years. It was almost as if Biden wanted to ensure that Kamala would sink alongside him in this electoral Titanic. And for Trump, well, this is exactly the kind of ammunition his campaign needed to keep hammering Harris.

Biden has been out of the 2024 race for months, with Harris now taking the reins for the Democrats. Yet, she’s spent her campaign pretending she had nothing to do with the last four years of Biden’s blunders. But thanks to Biden’s “oops” moment, Harris can’t run from the truth anymore.

Biden Ties Harris to Every Administration Failure

In his response to the question about Harris’ involvement, Biden didn’t hold back—or rather, he held nothing back in throwing Kamala under the bus alongside him.

From Fox News:
Biden was asked what role Harris has played amid numerous crises at home and abroad. “Well, she’s, I’m in constant contact with her. She’s aware we all, we’re singing from the same song sheet. We, she helped pass all the laws that are being employed,” said Biden.

“Now, she was a major player in everything we’ve done, including passage of legislation which we were told we could never pass. And so she’s been, and her, her staff is interlocked with mine in terms of all the things we’re doing,” Biden continued.

So, there it is. Kamala Harris, according to Biden himself, is a “major player” in everything his administration has done. That means all the crises we’ve seen—from the botched Afghanistan withdrawal, to the chaos at the southern border, to the sky-high inflation that’s crushing American families—Harris was right there with him, helping to make it happen.

This is a direct hit to Harris’ attempt to rebrand herself as separate from the Biden administration’s failures. She’s tried to position herself as the fresh face of the Democratic Party, someone who can bring new energy and solutions. But how can she do that when Biden himself says she’s been involved in every disastrous policy decision from day one?

The Perfect Gift to Trump’s Campaign

If Trump’s campaign team isn’t already cutting ads featuring Biden’s comments, they’re missing out on a golden opportunity. By tying Harris to his failed presidency, Biden has just done more for Trump than any conservative PAC could ever hope to achieve.

Think about it—Harris has spent her entire campaign trying to sidestep the disastrous record of the Biden administration. She’s avoided tough interviews, refused to address real issues, and instead focused on generic talking points like abortion and “unity.” All the while, Trump has been hammering her on the economy, the border, and foreign policy. And now Biden, in his own words, just confirmed that Harris is as responsible as he is for the mess we’re in.

This is what we call a political gift. Trump can now point directly to Biden’s admission that Harris has been a key player in every failed policy of the past four years. It’s the kind of messaging that could resonate with voters who are tired of seeing their country in decline and are looking for real leadership.

Harris’ Campaign Strategy Just Collapsed

For months, Harris has tried to pretend that she’s the answer to all of Biden’s failures, not the cause. She’s tried to distance herself from his record, hoping voters would forget that she’s been the vice president throughout all of this. But now, thanks to Biden, her entire campaign strategy has collapsed.

It’s not just that Biden’s comments tie her to the failures of his administration; it’s that Harris has no real defense left. If she tries to argue that she had nothing to do with the bad decisions, Trump can simply roll out the clip of Biden saying she was involved in everything. If she tries to take credit for any “successes” of the administration (good luck finding those), then she’s admitting she was involved after all.

Harris is in an impossible position, and Biden put her there. Meanwhile, Trump can sit back and watch as the Democrats scramble to clean up yet another mess of their own making.

Key Takeaways:

  • Biden’s recent comments directly tied Kamala Harris to his administration’s failures, calling her a “major player in everything we’ve done.”
  • Harris has tried to distance herself from Biden’s disastrous record, but Biden’s remarks destroyed her campaign strategy.
  • Trump’s team now has the perfect campaign ad, highlighting Harris’ involvement in the very crises she’s trying to avoid discussing.

Source: Fox News

October 5, 2024
Jon Brenner
Patriot Journal's Managing Editor has followed politics since he was a kid, with Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush as his role models. He hopes to see America return to limited government and the founding principles that made it the greatest nation in history.
Patriot Journal's Managing Editor has followed politics since he was a kid, with Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush as his role models. He hopes to see America return to limited government and the founding principles that made it the greatest nation in history.