Tensions Rise as Biden Asks Israel to Hold Back in Response to Iranian Attacks
Tensions Rise as Biden Asks Israel to Hold Back in Response to Iranian Attacks

It’s been almost a year since October 7th, a day that will forever be remembered as one of the darkest in Israeli history. On that day, Hamas launched a devastating attack from the Gaza Strip, leaving destruction and tragedy in its wake.

Of course, anyone who’s paying attention knows Hamas isn’t acting alone. Iran, the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism, has its fingerprints all over these attacks, and it seems determined to keep fueling the fire in the Middle East.

Fast forward to now, and Israel has been on a relentless mission to eliminate Hamas and other threats like Hezbollah. They’ve done a great job so far, but Iran, not one to sit idly by, just launched over 200 hypersonic missiles into Israel, targeting civilian areas in a brazen act of war. And what does President Joe Biden do?

He urges Israel to show “restraint” and insists that their response be “proportional.” Seriously, Joe?

Biden’s insistence that Israel “take it easy” on Iran is not only weak—it’s dangerous. We’re talking about a nation that just fired ballistic missiles into a civilian population. Yet Biden’s worried that Israel might upset Iran by hitting them back too hard. If this is the leadership America is offering Israel, it’s no wonder many are questioning whether we’re still the strong ally we once were.

Biden’s Soft Approach to Iran

From the beginning, Biden has been anything but tough on Iran. This is the same administration that, just a few months ago, unfreezed $7 billion in assets for Iran—money that Iran is now likely using to fund their missile attacks on Israel. So when Iran attacked Tel Aviv earlier this week, Biden’s response was predictable.

From Fox News:
A ‘painful’ Israeli response weighs over the heads of the Iranian regime after their ballistic missile attacks on Tel Aviv on Tuesday. President Joe Biden has insisted that an angry Israel should not strike Iran’s nuclear sites – and should make sure its response is measured – proportional.

Let’s break this down. Biden thinks that after Iran fired ballistic missiles into a major Israeli city, Israel’s response should be “measured” and “proportional.” This is a foreign policy straight out of the Obama-Biden playbook of appeasement. What Biden fails to grasp is that Iran doesn’t care about diplomacy, proportionality, or restraint. They care about power, and they respect strength—something this administration sorely lacks.

Iran Declares War – Biden Tells Israel to Sit Tight

The fact that Biden is trying to restrain Israel after such an egregious act is mind-boggling. Former deputy director of national intelligence Kash Patel didn’t mince words when reacting to Biden’s handling of the situation.

From Fox News:
“Iran launched a war into Israel,” said former deputy director of national intelligence Kash Patel. “So to say that the Israelis who are defending themselves and our hostages shouldn’t attack sites in Iran that could kill them – especially when you’re the one who gave Iran $7 billion as a commander in chief and then allowed them to acquire nuclear materials – is wildly political.”

Wildly political is putting it nicely. Biden’s foreign policy has been nothing short of a disaster. His administration’s decision to give Iran billions of dollars and allow them to pursue nuclear materials is exactly why we’re in this mess today. And now, rather than standing with our ally Israel, Biden is choosing to play nice with Iran in the hope that it’ll lead to some diplomatic solution. Spoiler alert: it won’t.

Iran’s missile attacks are a declaration of war, and Israel has every right to defend itself in the strongest possible terms. Yet, Biden treats this as a minor disagreement between neighbors. It’s not just insulting to Israel—it’s dangerous for the entire region.

Trump’s Foreign Policy Was Stronger – And More Effective

It’s hard not to look back at the Trump administration and miss the days of strong, decisive leadership. Under Trump, Iran was on the ropes. His administration pulled out of the disastrous Iran nuclear deal, imposed crippling sanctions on the regime, and made it clear that any attacks on Israel would be met with swift and severe consequences. Compare that to the Biden administration’s weak, ineffective policies, and it’s no wonder Iran is feeling emboldened.

The difference between Trump and Biden is simple: Trump understood the need to project strength in the face of aggression. Biden, on the other hand, is more concerned with appearing “diplomatic,” even if it means putting Israel in greater danger. It’s no wonder that Israel’s leadership is frustrated by the lack of support coming from the White House.

Key Takeaways

  • President Biden’s weak response to Iran’s missile attacks on Israel has left the Jewish state vulnerable and frustrated.
  • Iran’s attacks are an act of war, and yet Biden is insisting that Israel show restraint, which only emboldens Iran and its allies.
  • Trump’s foreign policy was stronger, more effective, and made it clear that the U.S. stood firmly with Israel—something Biden has failed to do.

Source: Fox News

October 5, 2024
Jon Brenner
Patriot Journal's Managing Editor has followed politics since he was a kid, with Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush as his role models. He hopes to see America return to limited government and the founding principles that made it the greatest nation in history.
Patriot Journal's Managing Editor has followed politics since he was a kid, with Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush as his role models. He hopes to see America return to limited government and the founding principles that made it the greatest nation in history.