Biden-Harris Betray Americans, Want Chinese Communists to Buy US Land
Biden-Harris Betray Americans, Want Chinese Communists to Buy US Land

Communist China is trying to buy up America’s backyard, and guess who’s rolling out the welcome mat? Democrats, of course. While our nation grapples with growing concerns about foreign ownership of American land, Beijing is quietly scooping up vast amounts of property.

It’s the kind of sneaky land grab that should have alarms blaring. But instead of slamming the door shut, liberals across America seem all too willing to let it happen. Imagine—our greatest geopolitical rival gaining a foothold right here on U.S. soil.

Let’s get real: letting an authoritarian regime with a track record of spying, stealing intellectual property, and threatening global security buy up our land is dangerous. These aren’t innocent real estate investments. This is part of a broader strategy by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to gain leverage in America.

We’re not just talking about farmland; we’re talking about land near critical infrastructure, military bases, and key economic hubs. If we keep handing over our assets to an enemy, what happens when tensions escalate? We’re essentially giving Beijing a front-row seat to our own national security.

From The Post Millennial:
The Biden-Harris administration has come out against a bill that would ban Chinese Communist Party officials from buying up land in the United States if they are attempting to violate the autonomy of Hong Kong, increase aggression towards Taiwan, or contribute to human rights violations toward groups in China such as Uyghur Muslims.

And now, in typical fashion, the Biden-Harris administration is making it even easier for the CCP to slip through the cracks.

A new bill, the STOP CCP Act, aimed at banning Chinese Communist Party officials from buying American land, is being met with resistance from—you guessed it—the White House.

The Biden administration has come out against H.R. 3334, the STOP CCP Act, which seeks to impose mandatory sanctions and visa restrictions on members of the CCP’s Central Committee.

These sanctions are specifically directed at Chinese officials involved in violating Hong Kong’s autonomy, escalating aggression toward Taiwan, or committing human rights atrocities, particularly against Uyghur Muslims. But apparently, holding China accountable for these actions is a bit too much for Biden and Harris.

According to a press release, the administration argues that the bill’s sanctions would “cut off any channels of communication” between Washington and Beijing. They claim it would destabilize U.S.-China relations and undermine diplomatic efforts. Really?

Because last time I checked, the CCP wasn’t exactly sending love letters to Taiwan, and their treatment of Uyghur Muslims looks a lot more like genocide than diplomacy. But sure, let’s keep that “channel of communication” open, shall we?

The bill, known as the STOP CCP Act, aims to block CCP officials from buying property in the U.S., while also making them ineligible for visas. These are the same officials responsible for some of the most heinous human rights violations and territorial aggressions on the global stage.

Yet, under Biden’s administration, there’s a clause that would allow the president to waive these sanctions for up to 60 days if it’s deemed necessary for “national security.” National security? More like bending over backward to accommodate Beijing.

The CCP is not interested in playing nice. They have a track record of violating the autonomy of Hong Kong, threatening Taiwan, and oppressing ethnic and religious minorities, including Uyghur Muslims.

But apparently, the Biden-Harris administration believes that a hardline stance on these issues would undermine efforts to build “diplomatic consensus” with China. Newsflash: you can’t negotiate with a regime that doesn’t respect basic human rights.

The sanctions proposed by the STOP CCP Act are far from unreasonable. They target individuals who have engaged in “sanctionable conduct,” like violating the autonomy of Hong Kong or showing increased military aggression toward Taiwan.

If anything, these sanctions are necessary to send a clear message that the U.S. will not tolerate Beijing’s bullying. Blocking CCP officials from owning land and barring them from entering the U.S. should be common sense, not a controversial move.

The bill goes even further, stating that the sanctions can be terminated if China meets specific conditions, such as ceasing the genocide of the Uyghur Muslim population, stopping threats toward Taiwan, and ending efforts to undermine Hong Kong’s autonomy.

Oh, and let’s not forget their rampant intellectual property theft from American companies. Yet, despite these clear and justified terms, the White House insists on preserving “flexibility” in sanctions. It sounds more like a convenient way to avoid taking a stand.

We’re at a critical juncture. China is not just an economic competitor—they are an adversary with global ambitions that directly threaten American interests. If we don’t take firm action now, how much land and influence are we willing to let them gain?

Key Takeaways:

  • China is buying up American land, and the Biden administration is dragging its feet on stopping it.
  • The STOP CCP Act would impose sanctions on Chinese Communist Party officials involved in human rights abuses and aggression, but the White House opposes the bill.
  • Despite China’s blatant violations of international norms, the administration insists on maintaining “diplomatic flexibility” with the CCP.

Source: The Post Millennial

September 24, 2024
Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.