Biden Circle Rocked by Bombshell DOJ News – This Time Truly Could Be the End for Hunter
By Mick Farthing|September 7, 2023
Biden Circle Rocked by Bombshell DOJ News – This Time Truly Could Be the End for Hunter

What’s Happening:

Democrats have been firing off indictments against Trump like t-shirts at a baseball game. Many have accused the left of violating our justice system, to influence the outcome of an election. Trump maintains his innocence and these indictments have only seemed to strengthen his base.

Meanwhile, the Bidens have been accused of far more serious crimes. Yet not only is the media protecting Joe and his son Hunter, but numerous federal agencies appear to be doing the same. Many wonder if justice will ever to done, in light of what the Bidens have been accused of. Well, it looks like their luck might be running out, based on this news from the DOJ.

From The Post Millennial:

In a court filing published on Wednesday, special counsel David Weiss announced that the Department of Justice intends to seek an indictment for Hunter Biden by September 29…

Weiss wrote that Hunter Biden was charged with two tax fraud charges on June 20, as well as a firearm charge. The Biden son appeared in court on July 26, where a previously agreed upon plea deal was struck down, with the court ordering that “time is excluded from the Speedy Trial Act between today and 9/1/2023 in the interests of justice.”

You probably heard about the sweetheart plea deal that Hunter made with the DOJ. If he plead guilty to a few minor charges, he would be immune to bigger charges, such as not filing as a foreign agent with the government.

A judge struck down that deal, putting Biden and the DOJ in a difficult position. The DOJ can’t just let these charges linger. Hunter is being accused of tax crimes, drug crimes, and gun charges. The average citizen would be sent away for years, over just one of these charges. So, the DOJ is announcing they will seek an indictment against Hunter by the end of September.

It’s unclear what will come of this news. You can expect that Joe Biden and the liberal establishment in D.C. will still look for ways to dismiss these charges. If Hunter goes down, he might take his father down with him. Biden cannot afford to let his son face charges.

Any case could lead to investigations into Hunter’s business dealings while his father was vice president. And that could lead to evidence pouring out that Joe took bribes to help his son.

But it is going to be very hard for Biden’s DOJ to paper over this situation. Intense scrutiny has fallen on Biden and his family. Republicans in Congress are chasing down every led to discover what Biden might have been up to.

If the DOJ sweeps Hunter’s crimes under the rug, Americans will be outraged. It will not look good for Biden, who wants another term in office. The left might end up turning Hunter into a scapegoat.

But that doesn’t mean Joe will be off the hook.

Key Takeaways:

  • Special counsel David Weiss is seeking an indictment against Hunter Biden by September 29th.
  • Hunter has been facing drug, tax, and gun charges for months.
  • The DOJ had previously tried to cut him a plea deal, but a judge rejected it.

Source: The Post Millennial

Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.