Biden Botches 1 Critical Anniversary – Joe Completely Ignored the Most Important Thing
By Mick Farthing|August 31, 2023
Biden Botches 1 Critical Anniversary – Joe Completely Ignored the Most Important Thing

What’s Happening:

The Biden administration has very few accomplishments to brag about. That’s pretty bad, considering he’s running for re-election. His White House is forced to desperately spin his failures as wins. And boy, do they spin.

Perhaps the biggest black mark on this administration was Joe’s horribly botched Afghanistan withdrawal. Biden ignored advice to pull American troops, letting the Taliban take over. In the ensuing chaos, the State Department fumbled an evacuation, which led to death and destruction. However, Biden added insult to injury this year, when he “remembered” the event.

From Fox News:

President Biden on Wednesday night released a statement marking the second anniversary of his heavily criticized Afghanistan withdrawal.

Biden’s statement touted the operation as one of the “largest airlifts in history,” but he made no specific reference to the 13 U.S. service members who died defending the Kabul airport during the operation…

Americans witnessed haunting scenes in the final days of the U.S. withdrawal from the Kabul airport, the last airstrip available to American forces.

Wow, talk about a spin! Biden claimed the botch and chaotic evacuation of Afghanistan was the “largest airlifts in history.” But he seemed to leave out the fact that there wouldn’t have been an airlift, had he not let the Taliban retake the country.

Biden neglected to acknowledge the 13 service members who died in an attack at the Kabul airport. The families of these fallen soldiers hold Biden responsible for their deaths, but Joe refuses to even acknowledge them.

To this day, Biden refuses to admit the Afghanistan withdrawal was a failure. He tried to spin the disaster as a win. But nobody’s buying it. After keeping Afghanistan safe from the Taliban for over 20 years, Biden sat back and let the villains retake it. He cruelly ignored the desperate Afghans who clung to planes as they took off.

This horrible moment in American history should be enough for Biden to be kicked out of office. When a leader can’t even admit he is wrong when it is so clearly obvious–with such disastrous results–how can he continue to “lead”?

And how can anyone pretend to defend him, after he’s failed this horribly?

Key Takeaways:

  • Biden made remarks on the second anniversary of the fall of Afghanistan.
  • The Democrat ignored the 13 service members killed during the evacuation.
  • The White House continues to reject blame for the disaster and has tried to spin it as a win.

Source: Fox News

Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.