Biden Boss Nailed for “Lying Under Oath” – Republican Leader Delivers Epic Accusation
Biden Boss Nailed for “Lying Under Oath” – Republican Leader Delivers Epic Accusation

Pinocchio could dance and lie to his heart’s content on Capitol Hill, and he wouldn’t even be noticed for his character flaw. That’s because there are too many outlandish characters in D.C. that lie like it was fuel for life itself.

Republicans have had enough of political shenanigans by Biden officials and are calling them out for their character flaws. GOP criticism of the president’s team has risen to a boiling point as Republicans prepare to hold administration officials accountable.

One of the most contentious issues for Republicans is the crisis along the southern U.S. border. Drugs and illegal immigrants flow freely across the border as Biden officials sit back and watch. Biden officials have been questioned exhaustively by Republicans for why this cris is allowed to continue.

Kansas Republican Sen. Roger Marshall wants to hold Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas accountable for his statements before Congress. Marshall believes the U.S. Senate should not have confidence in Mayorkas after his lack of action and his Congressional testimony.

From the Daily Caller:
“Secretary Mayorkas has lied multiple times under oath before Congress, testifying that his DHS has ‘operational control’ of the border. Every American can see with their own two eyes that this statement from Mayorkas is categorically false and downright delusional,” Marshall said.

Marshall contends that the country faces record numbers of illegal aliens gaining entry, including suspected terrorists, Chinese nationals, and cartel members. Marshall believes Mayorkas is at the center of the crisis, and he has served as nearly 10 million illegal aliens have entered the U.S.

“Mayorkas must be held accountable for his lies under oath that directly undermine our national security,” Marshall said.

The senator introduced a resolution against Mayorkas and wants unanimous consent from the Senate to get it passed. This follows efforts by House Republicans who started an impeachment process against the embattled Homeland Security secretary.

Republicans have targeted criticism at Mayorkas who has served in his position as border crossings and illegal immigrant apprehensions surged to record highs under Biden’s policies. Marshall’s resolution makes it clear that action is needed against the cabinet secretary.

The resolution reads in part that Mayorkas has violated his constitutional oath and has “engaged in a pattern of conduct that is incompatible with his constitutional and statutory duties as Secretary of Homeland Security.”

Key Takeaways:

  • A Republican leader stated that Mayorkas lied “multiple times under oath.”
  • Marshall wants the Homeland Security secretary held in no confidence.
  • Marshall’s resolution blamed Mayorkas for losing control of the southern border.

Source: Daily Caller

January 11, 2024
Sean Kerrvin
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.