Biden Hit with Worst 2024 News Yet – And Trump’s Chances Just Skyrocketed
Biden Hit with Worst 2024 News Yet – And Trump’s Chances Just Skyrocketed

What’s Happening:

Democrats depend heavily on maintaining a stronghold on certain demographics of voters to win elections. Speeches and policy for Democrats all revolve around keeping these voters happy and voting for whoever the party slaps on the ballot.

But that stronghold among voters is showing weakness. Joe Biden’s speeches fall flat because of his mumbling and stumbling, and his policies have hit hard against Americans in every demographic. People want to know they can pay their bills and that they can work hard to make that happen.

What Biden has done these last three years is causing him to lose support within those voting blocs ahead of the 2024 election. Without them he stands to lose.

From the Daily Caller:
Biden is losing support among Hispanic and Black voters in a series of recent battleground state and national polls, as well as among youth voters in the crucial voting blocs Democrats typically enjoy, according to Axios.

Two polls released Sunday — a New York Times survey of six swing-states, all of which Biden won in 2020, and a national CBS News survey — found that Biden is bleeding support among minority voters. Support for Biden among minority voters since the 2020 election has dropped by 33 points, according to Axios.

The CBS News poll relayed that Black and Hispanic voters are not convinced they would be helped financially if Biden wins a second term. Support for Biden among minority voters since the 2020 election has dropped by 33 points, according to Axios.

Even more detrimental to Biden is how voters view former President Donald Trump.

“Hispanic voters are much likelier to say their finances would improve under Trump than Mr. Biden,” the CBS News poll found “And most Black voters do not expect their finances to change if Mr. Biden wins again.”

Trump has made gains among black voters with support in this demographic jumping by 22 points, which the NYT described as “unseen in presidential politics for a Republican in modern times.”

Trump is also winning support in key battleground states. The Times survey, which found former President Donald Trump leading Biden by several points in several swing states but Wisconsin, indicated that the more diverse a state was, the worse the president did.

Biden is winning with Hispanic voters against Trump by only single digits in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, the Times survey stated. Democrats historically have won by margins of over 30 points, according to Axios.

These new numbers are piling onto the trouble Biden faces among voters in 2024. Recent national and battleground state surveys show Trump leading Biden by several points. The Times poll found Trump leading Biden in Arizona by 5 points, Georgia by 6 points, Michigan by 5 points, Nevada by 10 points and Pennsylvania by 4 points. The one state Biden is ahead in this poll is Wisconsin with a slim 2-point advantage.

Key Takeaways:

  • Biden support crumbles among key voting demographic blocs for 2024.
  • Trump flips the slate with voters saying Biden’s policies hurt their finances.
  • Polls in key battleground states now showing Trump leading against Biden.

Source: Daily Caller

November 6, 2023
Sean Kerrvin
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.