After Bicyclist Caught Setting Fire to Trump Sign – He Gets Slammed by the Perfect Karma
By Sean Kerrvin|August 23, 2023
After Bicyclist Caught Setting Fire to Trump Sign – He Gets Slammed by the Perfect Karma

What’s Happening:

There is something special about the feeling of satisfaction when a criminal gets what’s coming to them. Too many times conservatives are attacked, or their rights violated and the powers that be simple say, “Oh, well.”

Not this time as one anti-Trumper forgot that this is the 21st Century and technology is everywhere, specifically lots of cameras. It all started after John Kane, a Raleigh, North Carolina businessman who is active in Republican politics, proudly displayed a “Trump Won” yard sign earlier this month.

The sign likely didn’t sit well with leftists passing by and one bicyclist decided he was going to do something about it. What he forgot was that a surveillance camera was in place and the video of his actions went viral. The dark of the night didn’t hide what he did and now he’s facing charges.

From Blaze News:

Wake County District Attorney Lorrin Freeman on Monday said the suspect will face misdemeanor criminal charges — two counts of injury to real property — the News & Observer reported.

The charges are well and good, but not enough of a penalty for what happened. The cyclist allegedly, as shown in the video, kicked the sign multiple times with his foot during the day. Apparently, that wasn’t devasting enough as the video shows the same person allegedly returning in the dark of the early morning and setting the sign on fire before running away.

And that wasn’t enough. Another video days later shows what appears to be the same bicyclist setting on fire a new “Trump Won” sign on the property and again running off.

The Trump signs were torched just feet away from Kane’s home with his young family inside.

“This is not OK in America,” Kane continued. “I don’t care who you support politically. None of us can accept a country where someone can be so triggered by someone’s support of a majority party political candidate that they come and commit premeditated arson on their home. Really an attempt to kill them.”

The name of the suspect has not been released by police, but it appears several reward offers to find the suspect worked. Kane posted a $1,000 reward while conservative commentators Tim Pool and Benny Johnson each offered to add $5,000 to the reward for finding the culprit.

While it’s good to see a suspect being charged, the misdemeanor charges aren’t enough. The prosecutor should boost charges to felonies based on the violent act of setting fire to property that could have harmed people.

Key Takeaways:

  • Setting fire to a “Trump Won” yard sign lands suspect in hot water.
  • Prosecutor files misdemeanor charges while victim sees it as felonies.
  • Reward offers appear to work in getting suspect charged.

Source: Blaze News

Sean Kerrvin
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.