America’s conservative voices are under assault like never before. From college campuses to public squares, those who dare speak traditional values face not just censorship, but actual physical violence.
Donald Trump warned us about this escalation, but even he couldn’t have predicted bombs being used against conservative speakers.
The battleground between free speech and leftist intimidation has shifted dramatically since 2020. What started as aggressive heckling has morphed into a sophisticated network of radical cells, armed with explosives and tactical knowledge, determined to silence conservative thought by any means necessary. Remember when the left claimed they were the “tolerant” ones? Those days are long gone.
In a case that perfectly illustrates this dangerous evolution, federal authorities recently concluded prosecution of a Pittsburgh couple who took their “protest” to explosive new heights.
Their target? A conservative speaker discussing traditional gender roles. Their weapons? Homemade incendiary devices. Their punishment? Let’s just say it makes January 6 sentences look like cruel and unusual punishment.
The Attack That Shook Pittsburgh
On April 18, 2023, what should have been a routine conservative campus event featuring Daily Wire’s Michael Knowles turned into a calculated terrorist attack. Brian DiPippa, 37, and his wife Krystal DiPippa, 42, orchestrated a bombing that left several police officers injured and one sergeant requiring back surgery. When did bombing conservatives become a misdemeanor in America?
“Brian DiPippa is a homegrown terrorist who had every intention of hurting someone that day,” testified the injured police sergeant, identified in court as T.H., who suffered hearing loss and numerous burns to her legs in addition to requiring back surgery. Imagine if this had been a Trump rally – we’d never hear the end of it.
The attack wasn’t random. Court documents reveal the DiPippas belonged to a violent Antifa terror cell, with Brian testing positive for explosive compounds weeks after the attack. Even more chilling?
When arrested, his phone displayed artwork celebrating injured police officers with the words “Officer Down” surrounded by confetti and balloons. Let that sink in for a moment.
Following the Radical Breadcrumbs
Like a twisted version of Hansel and Gretel, the DiPippas left a trail – not of breadcrumbs, but of radical literature and explosive materials. The FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force traced their activities to the Big Idea Bookstore, a known Antifa meeting spot where members received training in making Molotov cocktails and incendiary devices. Whatever happened to book clubs reading Jane Austen?
Receipts from Phantom Fireworks, anarchist literature about the “Stop Cop City” movement, and an anarchist flag proudly displayed on their balcony painted a clear picture of their extremist beliefs.
The couple wasn’t just attending protests – they were part of a sophisticated network dedicated to violent opposition of conservative values. Remember when the media claimed Antifa was “just an idea”?
Justice System’s Mixed Message
Here’s where things get interesting – and by interesting, I mean infuriating. While Brian received five years in prison, his wife Krystal got what amounts to a judicial pat on the back: three years probation and 80 hours of community service.
That’s right – helping to bomb police officers apparently ranks somewhere between jaywalking and littering on the punishment scale. Whatever happened to equal justice under law?
The couple must jointly pay $47,284 to the injured officer and $1,400 to the University of Pittsburgh. For context, that’s less than many Americans pay for their annual health insurance premiums. Who says crime doesn’t pay? Just make sure you’re bombing the right people, apparently.
Media’s Selective Amnesia
In a shocking display of journalistic malpractice, mainstream media outlets conveniently forgot to mention one tiny detail in their coverage: the DiPippas’ extensive Antifa connections. Imagine my shock.
If a conservative couple had bombed a progressive event, we’d be drowning in wall-to-wall coverage about “right-wing extremism” faster than you can say “mostly peaceful protest.”
The Torch Antifa Network proudly claimed the DiPippas as members, even using a far-left nonprofit to raise tax-deductible donations for their legal fees. Yet somehow, this detail didn’t make the cut in most news reports. Funny how that works in Biden’s America, isn’t it?
Key Takeaways:
• Radical left’s violence against conservatives escalates from protests to coordinated terrorism
• Justice system shows dangerous double standard in treating leftist violence with kid gloves
• Mainstream media actively covers up Antifa connections to protect radical agenda
• Law enforcement officers pay the price while defending constitutional rights
• Conservative voices face organized, violent suppression on American campuses
Sources: The Post Millennial, American Military News, Hot Air