Anti-Trump Celeb Suddenly Changes His Tune – 1 Thing Makes Him Willing to Vote for Donald Now
Anti-Trump Celeb Suddenly Changes His Tune – 1 Thing Makes Him Willing to Vote for Donald Now

Before former President Donald Trump ever took office liberals were rabid in their attacks against him. He’s been called almost every name a person can think of and falsely accused of crimes from every class of person in this country.

Hatred for Trump extended around the world as people joined in claims that he would harm the planet and send humankind to its ultimate destruction. The atmosphere of attacks against Trump hasn’t subsided as he seeks a second term in office, but the bubble of hatred surrounding him is showing cracks.

As the current president’s policies continue to plague the country with problems, more people are beginning to see the advantages Trump offers as president. Some who once hated Trump to the point of foaming at the mouth when speaking about him have suddenly paused their attacks. Their newfound reflection is shedding a brighter light on Trump for the future.

The latest endorsement from Trump-hating actor and comedian Michael Rapaport won’t likely be used in campaign highlight reels, but it does showcase Trump as a viable candidate among liberals. The celebrity recently came out as a person who has transitioned to a state of mind where voting for Trump “is on the table.”

Between Joe Biden and Trump, Rapaport, 53, told the world that his vote in the 2024 presidential election may not be the same as four years prior. He released a video Thursday on X revealing his new change of heart.

From the Daily Caller:
“If it comes down to pig d*ck Donald Trump and smokin Joe Biden. I’m sorry, I am sorry – voting for pig d*ck Donald Trump is on the table,” Rapaport stated. “Im sorry. I’ll still call him slob d*ck Donald Trump, pig d*ck Donald Trump, and all that. But we need to get this whole f*cking situation under control.”

The entertainer’s adjectives for Trump are in line with the derogatory and divisive comments he has thrown at the former president for years. But times have changed since the Oct. 7 terrorist attack on Israel where antisemitism in America has spiked and aggressive anti-Israel protesting has risen. Prominent people have been pushed to the public forefront to defend Jewish people.

Rapaport has publicly voiced his criticism of pro-Hamas rallies and antisemitic attacks. As an example of the rise in antisemitism, New York City – which has approximately 1.6 million Jewish residents – has experienced a 300 percent rise in incidents, according to the New York Police Department.

Rapaport claims he has had conversations with Trump and his tune has changed. The celebrity railed against protests that ripped down United Nations, Israeli and American flags on Veteran’s Day, and how the economy is hurting people in their finances. His video rant was at times sporadic, but focused on how he could vote for Trump if things continue like this under Biden.

“Let me tell you something, if things don’t get straightened up in this f*cking world ASAP…” Rapaport exclaimed. “Oh yea, I’ll break your hearts… I might vote for that motherf*cker.”

Rapaport’s colorful exclamations about his possible support for Trump may be showing a trend among liberals who are hurt the same as anyone else suffering under Biden’s administration. Trump’s clout among voters nationwide has been rising in the polls. This break against Biden is showing in six major swing states that Biden won in 2020.

Will liberals put aside their hate-filled rants and vote for Trump next year? A hypothetical general election matchup in a Nov. 14 Reuters/Ipsos poll between Biden, Trump and Independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr., may provide a strong clue for 2024. In the poll, the former president is ahead by two points, holding 32 percent of the votes.

Rapaport may not headline a GOP campaign stop, but his words might break through to other liberals and keep the tide turning for Trump.

Key Takeaways:

  • Trump-hating Hollywood celebrity appears to change his tune on voting in 2024.
  • Michael Rapaport lays out his reasoning in an expletive-filled social media rant.
  • The wild entertainer tells fans that his new outlook will “break your hearts.”

Source: Daily Caller

November 17, 2023
Sean Kerrvin
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.