After Police Arrest Anti-Biden Gold Star Dad – District Attorney Makes Shocking Announcement
After Police Arrest Anti-Biden Gold Star Dad – District Attorney Makes Shocking Announcement

Steve Nikoui is a Gold Star father. His son, Kareem Nikoui, was one of 13 American servicemembers who were killed in a terror attack in Afghanistan. The attack happened during President Biden’s botched withdrawal, where he allowed the Taliban to retake the country.

During Biden’s recent State of the Union address, Nikoui shouted “Abbey Gate! Kareem Nikoui! Second Battalion, First Marines!”

To the shock of many, Nikoui was removed from and later arrested. Capitol Police charged him with “crowding, obstructing, or incommoding.” It should be noted that several lawmakers also shouted at Biden, and the State of the Union itself was delayed by pro-Hamas protesters, but none of those people were arrested. Days later, the D.C. attorney general just made this announcement.

From Daily Wire:
Washington, D.C., Attorney General Brian Schwalb dropped charges against Steve Nikoui, a Gold Star father who was arrested for disrupting President Joe Biden’s State of the Union Address, after a significant backlash, Fox News reported Tuesday…

The AG’s office told the outlet that its decision to not move forward with the charges was typical when dealing with protesters.

The D.C. attorney general revealed its office dropped charges against Steve Nikoui. It is possible the office dropped the charges after a strong backlash from the public.

Many media outlets reported on the news that Capitol Police arrested the father of a slain servicemember. Likely, many Americans were outraged that he would get arrested for simply shouting at Joe Biden.

Could it be that the House Speaker was able to get the charges dropped? Capitol Police answer to the Speaker of the House. Perhaps Mike Johnson or other Republicans were able to intervene and end this charade.

If Nikoui was convicted over confronting the president, it would send a very bad message to the country. The president is a public official, who is held accountable to the American people. He is not a king, nor is he safe from criticism.

After all, Nikoui was only reminding Biden of his failure to keep Afghanistan safe. Many blame Biden’s incompetence on the disaster that was the Afghanistan withdrawal.

To prosecute a man who lost his son thanks to Joe is lower than low.

Key Takeaways:

  • The DC district attorney dropped charges against Gold Star father Steve Nikoui.
  • His son was killed in the Kabul terror attack during Biden’s botched withdrawal.
  • Capitol Police arrested Nikoui after he shouted at Biden during the SOTU address.

Source: Daily Wire

March 20, 2024
Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.