After Kamala Praises Biden’s ‘Victory’ – Major Group Schools Her with 1 History Lesson
By Mick Farthing|August 25, 2023
After Kamala Praises Biden’s ‘Victory’ – Major Group Schools Her with 1 History Lesson

What’s Happening:

Yep, despite all common sense, Kamala Harris is still in office. The “vice president” has seemingly failed to do anything to distinguish herself. Even still, there are some who think she can take over for Joe Biden, when and if he fails to finish his term.

In reality, the woman comes off as just as out of touch and clueless as her boss. Harris is known for her word salads and nonsensical statements. But those aren’t exclusive to speeches. Harris took to social media to blast a major American right. So, a huge organization stepped in to humiliate her.

From Fox News:

“@JoeBiden has taken on the @NRA and won. He can do it again,” Harris tweeted Tuesday evening, accompanied by a campaign ad celebrating Biden’s determination to “ban assault weapons.” […]

“Vice President Harris should learn her history before going on social media. She’s referring to Biden’s 1994 vote for the ‘assault weapons’ ban as his big so-called victory,” NRA spokesman Billy McLaughlin told Fox News Digital.Yet, thanks to the NRA, the ban expired in 2004. And, AR-15 ownership surged from 850,000 then to 25 million today.”

Ouch. Harris posted to X that Biden “took on” the NRA and “won.” Apparently, she was talking about the 1994 law that banned “assault weapons” in the United States. NRA had to remind Harris that this law only lasted for ten years. It was, in fact, the NRA that had the victory by getting this law overturned in 2004.

And today, there are 25 million AR-15s in the United States.

Biden has frequently called for a ban on “assault weapons.” Most gun control activists use this phrase, which is not proper to describe firearms. In reality, they seem to be referring to semi-automatic rifles, one of the most commonly used firearms in the world.

The administration has failed to get Congress to pass any gun control. So, Biden has abused the power of the ATF to shut down America’s Second Amendment rights. And if Biden wins back the House next year, he might be able to ram through whatever gun control laws he wants.

But if Biden thinks he will be able to take 25 million AR-15s away from Americans, he is dreaming. More and more Americans have become gun owners in the last three years. They will not give up this right so easily.

Key Takeaways:

  • The NRA schooled Kamala Harris on Joe Biden’s “victory” on gun control.
  • Harris bragged about Joe’s role in getting an “assault weapon” ban in 1994.
  • The organization pointed out that the law was reversed in 2004 and AR-15 ownership has surged to 25 million.

Source: Fox News

Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.