What’s Happening:
Everyone has a “that” person in their family most don’t want to invite to holiday gatherings. That person has done something in the past, and folks just want to avoid them. But that applies to adults, not innocent children.
Unless it’s the Biden family that didn’t want any public connection to their granddaughter until it become politically necessary for grandpa Joe Biden. Now he and the Biden clan are all lovey-dovey with the family addition and the change in political posture has people furious about Joe’s treatment of his granddaughter.
From The Daily Wire:
Law Professor Jonathan Turley is not letting President Joe Biden off the hook even though the president finally acknowledged his seventh grandchild — all the while blaming his neglect on Hunter’s legal battles with the child’s mother.
Did Joe stand at the White House podium during prime time on TV and let the world know he loves the new addition to his family? Uh, no. He had staffers write a puff piece for a magazine that was released at 5 p.m. East Coast time on Friday.
Then Joe waddled off to the beach to spend quality time soaking up the sun.
Oh, joy, look at the president doting on his granddaughter was the response from mainstream media and Democrats. In a quick minute they all put aside Joe Biden’s humiliating public rejection of son Hunter’s child up to this point.
Turley wasn’t letting Biden off so easily after the president refused to acknowledge the child for four years.
From The Daily Wire:
“Washington is a hard town,” Turley said. “I have lived and worked here for decades and I am still amazed by the cold calculations of many in this city. Yet, even in this place of utter personal corruption, the Bidens shocked the local population.”
Just how much pressure from Democrats was on Joe to work the family angle as his public polling numbers continue to fail across the board? Looks like Dems didn’t want the issue being exposed on the campaign trail. Biden did just enough to push his personal propaganda before lathering on the sunscreen while searching for his chair at the beach.
From The Daily Wire:
“In other words, for the first couple, it is a political not a family matter,” Turley said.
The poor child doesn’t even get to use the Biden name while Joe’s dogs and drug-snorting son, Hunter, get to enjoy all the luxuries of presidential accommodations.
From The Daily Wire:
“The Bidens spent more time fretting over the ‘pressure’ of the White House on (dogs) Major and Commander than they did the emotional impact on a four-year-old child who was prevented from even calling herself a Biden,” Turley said.
The Bidens are the lowest form of humanity that only desires power and doesn’t care who it hurts as they gain more and more for themselves. Not even the life and legacy of a young child is enough to soften the dark hearts of the mongrels currently occupying the White House.
Key Takeaways:
- Joe Biden floats puff piece acknowledging his granddaughter.
- Law professor calls out Biden for treating dogs better than his legacy.
- Biden doesn’t recognize his grandchild until politics demands it.
Source: The Daily Wire