Hours After Biden “Builds the Wall” – Donald Trump Makes 1 Simple Request to Joe
By Mick Farthing|October 5, 2023
Hours After Biden “Builds the Wall” – Donald Trump Makes 1 Simple Request to Joe

What’s Happening:

The political establishment was turned on its head this week after DHS Mayorkas announced new border wall plans. The Biden administration is waiving 26 laws to quickly build border fencing across the Texas-Mexico border.

When Joe Biden first entered office, he immediately ended Trump’s border wall plan. He even vowed that not a single new mile of border wall would built while he was in office. What followed was an exploding border crisis lasting three years.

It should come as no surprise that Donald Trump is talking about the recent announcement. After criticizing Trump for years, Biden is doing the very thing he once opposed. Now, Trump is making a simple request to Biden… and perhaps everyone else who doubted him.

From TRUTH Social:
So interesting to watch Crooked Joe Biden break every environmental law in the book to prove that I was right when I built 560 miles (they incorrectly state 450 in story!) of brand new, beautiful border wall. As I have stated often, over thousands of years, there are only two things that have consistently worked, wheels, and walls! Will Joe Biden apologize to me and America for taking so long to get moving, and allowing our country to be flooded with 15 million illegals immigrants, from places unknown. I will await his apology!

Trump claimed Biden will “break every environmental law in the book” to build the new border wall. Biden is apparently doing this, to sped up construction. When Trump was building the border fencing system, he was forced to abide by numerous laws.

He was even sued by environmental groups over claims the wall would harm wildlife.

Trump chided Biden, saying that he proved he was right when he built his border fencing system. Reports indicate Trump built 450 miles of border wall, but Trump maintains he built 560 miles. The former president might be counting places where he repaired or improved existing border fencing.

The former president is now asking if Biden will “apologize to me and America” for shutting down the original border wall plan and “taking so long” to protect the border. Under Biden’s administration, a reported 3 million illegal border crossers have entered the country.

Trump claimed that 15 million people “flooded” the country. But he might be listing the number of total illegal aliens in the country to date, including those who have crossed into the country prior to Biden’s administration.

The former president, who is currently running to return to the White House, will no doubt use this news to his advantage. Biden, although he might not admit it, is proving Trump right about his warnings. Trump had long said the border needed to be secure.

Critics claim Biden shut down the wall project, and other border protections, simply to spite Trump. Biden’s administration just did the opposite of Trump’s. The consequences have been devastating for the country.

Key Takeaways:

  • Trump demanded an apology from Biden after the administration announced border plans.
  • Biden is waiving 26 laws to quickly build new border fencing across Texas.
  • Joe Biden previously ended Trump’s border project and vowed to never put up a border wall.

Source: TRUTH Social

Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.